Singing Guide: Jhené Aiko

Singing Guide: Jhené Aiko

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Jhené Aiko is an American singer, songwriter, and poet known for incorporating a unique vocal technique into her music that draws heavily on traditional Japanese singing styles.

To learn how to sing like Jhené Aiko, it's important to first understand her vocal technique and what makes it so distinct.

Jhené Aiko often uses a technique called "vocal fry," a vocal register that sounds breathy and crackly, often used by traditional Japanese singers to emphasize emotion in their songs.

In addition to vocal fry, Jhené Aiko incorporates vibrato and nuanced breath control into her singing, which gives her performances a distinct ethereal quality.

To start developing a vocal style similar to Jhené Aiko's, it's essential to understand your own vocal range and what notes you're comfortable singing.

You can start by taking the vocal range test on Singing Carrots, which will help you identify your vocal range and compare it with famous singers.

Once you have a better understanding of your vocal range, you can start honing in on the specific techniques used by Jhené Aiko by incorporating her songs into your singing practice.

Some of her popular songs include "Bed Peace," "The Worst," and "Eternal Sunshine." Pay attention to how she uses breath control, vibrato, and vocal fry, and try to incorporate those techniques into your own singing.

It's also important to work on your posture and breathing technique, as proper posture can help improve your vocal control and tone.

Singing Carrots offers a variety of exercises to help you improve your breathing technique, such as the Farinelli breathing exercise.

Additionally, practicing warm-ups and exercises to help you strengthen and extend your vocal range can be instrumental in developing a singing style similar to Jhené Aiko.

The Pitch Training game on Singing Carrots is an excellent tool to help strengthen your pitch accuracy and vocal agility.

In conclusion, by focusing on Jhené Aiko's vocal techniques, listening to her songs, practicing warm-ups, and using Singing Carrots as a resource to hone your skills, you can develop a singing style similar to hers.

By practicing consistently and incorporating feedback received through tools like the Vocal Pitch Monitor, you'll be well on your way to unleashing your own unique vocal abilities.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.